I liked the old one better

Well, what can I say. It's only a new job, but it feels like a whole new way of life. Thus, as Henry playfully suggested last week, it may be time for a new Account as well.

I'd been growing dissatisfied with the old version ever since I got my camera and started posting pictures. The stark black-and-white design was one I was particularly proud of, but it was intended for a text-based blog, and just wasn't designed to accommodate all those colorful thumbnail images. My recent career upheaval, along with the increase in free time that came with it, seemed like a good opportunity to make some much-needed changes.

(Unfortunately, I no longer have access to the professional web-design resources that I once enjoyed, and I wasn't able do do my usual rigorous testing. If the new site displays improperly in your browser, please let me know and I'll do my best to fix it.)

What do you think, folks?

December 30, 2004  //  02:45 PM

Posted by rach:

LOVE it! (but i've always been a sucker for yellow-green) besides, this is the recently evolved technicolour mike, so it seems only appropriate...

August 6, 2004  //  08:20 AM

Posted by Henry:

Its too subtle to be fruity, and just colorful enough to cast off the brooding shadow that loomed over the original. I like it. I might have to change my desktop from the trees in the mist to something a little more uplifting.

August 6, 2004  //  08:46 AM
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